Department head word
On behalf of my fellow faculty members in the department, I am pleased and honored to write to you these are the section definitions.
The biochemistry course is considered one of the most important basic medical sciences growth and development,
Biochemistry is a dynamic science that its scientific discoveries and development of its technologies never stop,
The importance of the course for medical students is that it explains the interactions chemicals that occur inside the human body and compare them to natural conditions with pathological conditions and knowledge of enzymes and hormones responsible for that interactions.
This is why biochemistry is considered an important basis in building knowledge for the doctor, and providing him with tools that help him diagnose diseases and find out their basis identify the chemical and enzymatic causes of the disease and thus determine the appropriate treatment.
The department was established with the founding of the college in 1999/2000 under the name medical biochemistry,
The department is one of the academic departments at gharyan faculty of medicine, teaching biochemistry to basic stage students at the college of medicine for two years the first and the second.
The department of biochemistry strives to be a center of excellence at gharyan university at the regional and international level, based on what it provides in the field of education biochemistry, scientific research and public service are of recognized high quality nationally and internationally.
In agreement with the mission of the faculty of human medicine, gharyan university, the department of biochemistry is committed provides distinguished education in biochemistry for medical students, and encourages it and ensuring the production of high quality scientific research with a distinguished international reputation.
By graduating competent and specialized doctors, armed with knowledge, skills and values required to meet the needs of the Libyan state for high level medical care.
1. the student should be able to distinguish between different chemicals bonds, functional groups, aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons.
2. Understanding the interaction of biological molecules with water.
3. The student must be known PH, buffers physiological, and blood PH imbalance (alkalinity and acidity).
4. Knowing the structure and basic physical properties of proteins, carbohydrates, nucleotides and nucleic acids.
5. The student should be familiar with the terms nucleoside and nucleotide.
6. Understanding the chemistry of fats and their physiological importance.
7. Knowing how enzymes iccrease biochemical reactions and their role acoenzymes and cofactors.
8. Understand the components of electron transport chain (ETC), location, compents, and extent energy, oxidation and reduction patyways for ETC and ETC inhibitors.
9. Understand the biological importance of the digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, fats, proteins and explanation of metabolism and regulation.
10. Discuss the integration and organization of the main metabolic pathways to know the expression of genetic information.
11. Knowledge of the regulation of gene expression and recombinant DNA.
12. Knowledge of the clinical application of enzymes in diagnosis and prognosis diseases, enzymes as reagents and enzymes as therapeutic agents.
This is done by:
1. Ensuring that students acquire basic knowledge in medical biochemistry, this is done through stronge educational curricula.
2. Providing the latest information in biochemistry for medical students.
3. Training students on scientific and academic research methods and problem solving.
4. Building a graduate program in medical biochemistry so that it works to educate and train the student, to be scientists and researchers specialized in medical biochemistry.
5. Develop a high quality research strategy in the field of biochemistry, aiming to create new knowledge, improve the health status of community members and overcome on diseases.
6. Providing diagnostic services to gharyan city hospitals through clinical biochemistry.
7. Strengthening professional cooperation in teaching and scientific research at the level national and international.
8. Encouraging students to develop and commit to lifelong learning.